Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Ocean is my only Medication

Have I told you guys how grateful I am that I go to BYU Hawaii!!? haha Its just so amazing. I am so so so grateful for this place! Okay so heres my weekend for ya!

Friday- First Boys Tennis Match!!! They won! They played Gustavus, a school in Minesota and they just flat out DOMINATEd. It was pretty fun to watch!
That night- we went to an 80's Party! It was fun- we got all dressed up and danced and went crazy. It was so fun!
Saturday- We woke up, hit the surf with my favorite girls! It was way fun, I am getting better, Lexi did sooo good and stayed up on the board all the way in a couple of times, I rode one all the way in once, but usually I just fall. Haha, But I am determined to get better! I love it so much.
We went to the basketball game that night, and we won again! We basically are the best.
After the basketball game- We all pitched in a couple bucks and went to foodland and bought a bunch of smore stuff and candy and the guys bought tin foil dinners- like carrots and potatoes and stuff and so we went to the beach and had a bon fire where we just cooked and hung out. A couple of guys brought their guitars and harmonicas and so we just listend to them! They were so good, and then I played a couple of my favorite songs, so it was really fun all just sitting around listening and playing. I love the ocean. Whether you are surfing, layin out, or just hanging out at a bon fire, when you are at the ocean, everything else just fades away. It can take all your troubles away =) I FREAKING LOVE IT. haha
okay, well until next time!

Oh and crazy thought! My friends are starting to get back from their missions next month! ADAM doan is getting back next month! HOW crazy is that!?

 this is me and lauren at 80s night! =)

this at castles, a beginner surf spot

                                                            basketball game =)


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